no title .... u read u decide....
dah seminggu lebih aku xmasuk dunia blog ni,
rasa rindu plak, hihi~
emm... last few weeks there were a lot of activties,
so I have to complete that first,
sebelum kita ber'blogg'ing... huhu...
today is 09-08-2010,
only one day left for us
before we meet the most great month,
which is Ramadhan Al-Mubarak,
dalam bulan Ramadhan,
Allah swt telah menjanjikan sesuatu
yang tidak ada dalam bulan2 Islam yang lain,
what is it?
actually during this month,
Allah swt telah membuka peluang untuk kita umat manusia,
supaya kita bertaubat,
menambahkan amalan kebajikan kita,
serta melakukan segala kebaikan,
Allah akan melipat kali gandakan apa yang kita lakukan itu,
beratus-ratus kali pahalanya, i'Allah,
so we have to realize that,
we must do it in this Ramadhan,
do everything that we can,
increase our charity work,
try to help people around us,
donate to needy,
and everything else....
and lets us know something,
although our help is just a few,
but Allah still count it as pahala,
ok hope we are able to do it together,
perform everything we can to ensure our fasting month
will be more benefits,
haa... one more thing,
before we reach Ramadhan I want to tell u guys about 'niat',
during this fasting month,
but, I think I don't have much time,
I got to do something rite now,
got to go, sory....
I will write it tommorow,
i'Allah.... ok...
dah seminggu lebih aku xmasuk dunia blog ni,
rasa rindu plak, hihi~
emm... last few weeks there were a lot of activties,
so I have to complete that first,
sebelum kita ber'blogg'ing... huhu...
today is 09-08-2010,
only one day left for us
before we meet the most great month,
which is Ramadhan Al-Mubarak,
dalam bulan Ramadhan,
Allah swt telah menjanjikan sesuatu
yang tidak ada dalam bulan2 Islam yang lain,
what is it?
actually during this month,
Allah swt telah membuka peluang untuk kita umat manusia,
supaya kita bertaubat,
menambahkan amalan kebajikan kita,
serta melakukan segala kebaikan,
Allah akan melipat kali gandakan apa yang kita lakukan itu,
beratus-ratus kali pahalanya, i'Allah,
so we have to realize that,
we must do it in this Ramadhan,
do everything that we can,
increase our charity work,
try to help people around us,
donate to needy,
and everything else....
and lets us know something,
although our help is just a few,
but Allah still count it as pahala,
ok hope we are able to do it together,
perform everything we can to ensure our fasting month
will be more benefits,
haa... one more thing,
before we reach Ramadhan I want to tell u guys about 'niat',
during this fasting month,
but, I think I don't have much time,
I got to do something rite now,
got to go, sory....
I will write it tommorow,
i'Allah.... ok...
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